Club Clean Up Work Party
Everyone did such a great job cleaning up the club. The rain was of no help, but our volunteers got it done. The photos don’t do justice to the amount of work put in.
Special thanks to our incredible volunteers
- Austin Chappelear
- Brandon Duda
- Arielle Walbert
- John Schmehl
- Dave Stephens
We tore down the shed behind the out house. Austin rolled the shed into the dumpster. It would have made a great photo! Austin, Brandon, Arielle, John and Dave all assisted in the endeavor.
Austin and Brandon blew out all the leaves.
We totally emptised and reoganized the trailer at the small sheet at Pit 1. Arielle was a fantastic leader assisted by Jack Mueller, John Schmehl and Dave Stephens.
Kurt Dyer spent all Sunday weed-wacking all the brush on all the ranges.
Rob Horodydki showed up to shoot, even though the ranges were closed. He was a great trooper and straightened out the ruts in the grass.
Bruce Kriebel spent all Saturday in the big shed, eliminating single barrels and making double barrels.
Phil and his wife spent all day clearing brush.
Also, Barry Hall, Cody, and Matt did a lot of brush removal.
Also, thanks to our President, Dave Moyer for his help and contributions.
Huge thanks to all who helped. Being a non-profit club means we depend greatly on the help of our gracious volunteers. There are always volunteer opportunities. Reach out if you’re interested in helping or want to be added to our email list.
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